Sunday, February 27, 2011

How To Be A Woman In Any Boys’ Club

Awesome article from Molly Lambert on how to kick ass in a place that's still a boys' club. It's so fabulous. Probably the best thing I've read all month. Now, I don't agree with everything she says, but most of it is totally bang on and I love that she has the guts to write it!

Here's are two of my favourite quotes:
  • "Drive It Like You Stole It: Be the best. That is, assuming that you are the best. Be the best you can possibly be, whatever that means to you. Absolutely do not step down in order to not threaten people. Don't apologize. If you genuinely fucked up fine, you are allowed to apologize once but then stop apologizing. Think about how much you hear women apologizing for themselves for no reason, or being self-deprecating or self-abnegating out of habit. What the fuck are you apologizing for? For being too good?"

This one is about trying to befriend other women near the Boys Club only find out they suck:
  • "What If She Actually Sucks? This does happen. It's not unfeminist to admit that some women are assholes, just don't make it your focal point or judge any other situations according to how the all time worst one went down (this is a good rule in general). Some people just actually suck. Definition of sucks: steals, lies, or otherwise tries to ruin your life in an undeniable way. Feel bad for her and then back…the fuck…away…"

You can read the full article here or here.

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