Sunday, March 20, 2011

How to care for your business wardrobe

Canadian Business Online has a very useful article on caring for your business wardrobe. I know I'm guilty of passing the buck to my dry cleaner probably more than I should. These are great tips to lower your dry cleaning bill. Here are the highlights:

Silk: Handwash in cold water using a mild detergent, and pat dry with a towel. Hang on a padded hanger to avoid creasing. For ties, rolling them up loosely and placing them in a drawer will avoid stretching. To remove any wrinkles, use steam.

Wool: Needs dry cleaning, but no more than twice a year. In the meantime, brush down for dust and use rounded–shoulder hangers. Give wool suits a full day between wears to let them regain their shape. Store in cedar, wrap in acid–free tissue paper and add mothballs.

Linen: Made from flax plants, the fabric wicks away sweat, making it ideal for hot weather. Can be washed by hand or in the machine with warm water, but always hang up to dry. To lessen wrinkles, iron with a bit of spray–on starch and never fold.

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