Monday, August 16, 2010

Alice + Olivia Career Collection

Alice + Olivia has come out with a new line called "Career". According to LAT's All the Rage, "The line launches this fall (and is hitting stores now), is for the work-minded lady who may still wear the sparkly, short mini dresses from the Alice +Olivia line at night or on the weekend, but now has job interviews or perhaps even a job to see to during daylight hours."

Career is pretty straightforward – black blazers, pencil skirts, boot-cut pants, white blouses and fitted LBDs, but still with that slightly sexy, frilly vibe Bendet’s designs are known for. There are various pant styles -- skinny, cropped, slight flare, which all come only in black. Blazer styles range from traditional and tailored to military-inspired -- again all in black.

Apparently, Alice + Olivia designer, Stacey Bendet wanted to make sure us career gals didn't have to wear "frumpy brown suits" to work... I've never seen anyone wear a brown suit at my work - or, anywhere for that matter. Even so, that skirt and blazer look on the left is hella cute!

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